Anxiety Relief Blog

Anxiety Relief Blog

(Blog Image) My Top 7 Gifts for Anxiety Sufferers

My Top 7 Gifts for Anxiety Sufferers

Christmas can be a very stressful time of very, especially for those who suffer from anxiety.

A lot of people put a lot of stress on themselves to find their family and friends the perfect present that is both wanted and needed. It can be particularly difficult if you are searching for a gift to help someone with their anxiety.

So, here are my Top 7 Gifts for Anxiety Sufferers:

The Anxiety Barometer Cards: Created to give users a new relationship with their anxiety and  to solve in-the-moment anxie…

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What is Anxiety

What is anxiety? We can all feel anxious from time to time and anxiety is a normal and healthy emotion. It’s perfectly okay to feel worried about a particular situation or event, it happens to us all for a variety of reasons. However sometimes anxiety can dominate our life. In this post, we help you understand what is normal and healthy, how you are not alone, and also we let you know when you need to identify and address an anxiety problem.

A mental health disorder characterised by feeli…

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Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety Symptoms can vary from person to person. In this post we will outline and explain these symptoms so that you can understand if you are an anxiety sufferer, or if someone close to you is suffering from anxiety. This post on What is Anxiety provides more background information. We also have information on Anxiety testing which might also help you.

Can you Self Diagnose?

Anxiety is easy to identify and is usually self-diagnosed. When anxiety develops over time it can be a loved one or…

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Anxiety Treatments

If you are interested in understanding how we can help you to address your anxiety naturally without drugs you can find out more about our 6 step integrative approach.

Firstly, if you have arrived here looking for information on anxiety treatment and to find out what you can do to help your own, (or another person’s anxiety), you might want to find out first more about what constitutes a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder.

Treatment Options

If you are ready to find out what your options are…

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Anxiety Tests

Are you wondering if you suffer from anxiety? You may have reached a moment in time when you just want to know if you are overthinking things or if you have a problem that you need to face. This is where an anxiety test can be useful. Below you will find some information on some of the most widely used tests and find out what might be right for you.

Do I have an Anxiety Problem?

A self assessment test created by the Natural Anxiety Specialist to help you understand your anxiety and what …

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Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) or Social Phobia is one of the most tricky anxiety challenges to navigate. It is when situations involving other people cause debilitating anxiety such as making a speech in front of people, or even eating in front of people.

Many of us get nervous when we have a speech coming up or a presentation, however individuals with social anxiety issues will become so anxious days, (or sometimes weeks) prior to the event, that their anxiety negatively impacts the rest o…

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Nutrition and Anxiety

There is emerging evidence that nutrition and anxiety are key aspects to attend to in anxiety suffers. It seems from clinical studies that both the nutrients you eat, and the overall balance of your diet can affect your mood. In addition, the health of your gut and the millions of healthy bacteria that live there can also play a key part.

Your Gut and Brain Axis:

We know that your gut lining has over 100 million neurons and this is why the gut is often referred to as your second brain. 95%…

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